The Elecraft 40 meter net was run on 7044 kHz this evening through much QRN and a bit of QRM. I had Tom for a minute or two. He called the net and got AC7XR but could not drag him in. I got Mark's name and call but that was about it. The noise was just too much. Then along comes John, N6JW and I had to turn the volume down! Wow were you loud. Then WA7SPY flew in from the cold and said howdy. Welcome back Glenn. Ken checked in from Fargo with better weather than me so I am miffed. We could use a warm day here in Oregon. Then to top off the list Dario, N5QVF checks in again and I misread the V for an S so I took his information up until the SN. That clued me in to look at my last sheet :( There is a reason for that NCS 5th Class folks! But six check ins on such a night as this is not too bad. That makes sixteen for this Sunday. Thank you one and all for your persistence.

The list:
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
AC7XR - Mark - UT - nonE
N6JW - John - CA - K2 - 3290
WA7SPY - Glenn - CA - K2 - 323
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
N5QVF - Dario - TX - K2 - 4327

Hopefully I did not miss you. If I did I am sorry and will try harder next week. If there are any errors please send me the corrections and they will be listed as soon as I can get back online to note them.

73 All,
   Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
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