Hi everyone,

     It seems I have a knack for starting reflector wars.  I would like to 
offer my many thanks to you all for your wonderful and informed responses.  
Through the many responses, I bought and am reading ON4UN's Low Band DX's book, 
bought and setup the Hustler 6BTV vertical antenna and started working on 
correcting my dipole problems.

The vertical antenna is erected about 40' from a power line which is about 
the same height as the top of the antenna.  Unfortunately, its the only place I 
could put it.  The noise is worse than with the dipole, however, the SNR is 
much better because the signals are coming in so much stronger.  I found that 
the transmitted signal is not as good so I have both antennas hooked up to my 
K2's ATU.  This way when I encounter someone who can barely read me, I can 
switch my transmitting to the longwire.

Removing the 1:1 balun helped my SNR on the longwire because of the ATU's 
characteristics, (another received email).

20-meters receiving left something to be desired.  Adding radials for 
20-meters helped immensely.  Unfortunately, I don't have room for radials for 
40 or 
80 meters.

Instead of a standard dipole, I've decided to try playing with a variation of 
a rectangular antenna up about 30'.

Are we having fun yet?  I am!


                                      Terry Southern - KC0QZX
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