This is what makes QRP a blast. At 1AM this morning
I thought I would take a last listen on 40 Meters with
my K1 before going to bed. 
A giant pile-up at 7011 and up. It was the YV0 
from Aves Island (10 most wanted). My K1 uses
a Outbacker on a tripod in the back yard and battery
power. So I thought I would give the K1 a try before 
going QRO... He was listening up and as soon as he 
got within my 4Khz XIT, I called. About 5 minutes later 
he was in the log. QRP! 
Today an ARRL bulletin said they were packing up and
leaving early due to storm on the way. Aves is only
abt 2 feet above sealevel....
Life is Good!  So is QRP!   YV0 'All Time New One'
73,  Good DX    Art  W6KY    K1-2  K1-4
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