Used to get this problem with speaker distortion on occasion when repairing  
TVs in the early 1960's, usually at a remote farmhouse three days camel ride  
from base. Found the easiest method was to remove the speaker and stand it on  
the magnet with the cone facing you. Carefully work the cone with both hands 
to  equalise the pressure, backwards and forwards towards the magnet feeling 
for the  voice coil rubbing. If there was a problem it was sometimes possible 
to warp the  speaker frame to re-center the voice coil as a temporary fix. As a 
matter of  procedure the speaker was replaced at a later date when a spare 
became  available as the problem could re-occur.
Unlike the problem with the Elecraft speakers where it looks like the  damage 
may be caused by rough handling in transit, these speakers  failed after a 
period in service possibly due to excessive temperature or  humidity. Elecraft 
could have to review the packing of these speakers for  transit if the amount 
of damaged units becomes a problem.
Bob, G3VVT
K2 #4168
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