On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 18:16:39 +0100 (GMT Standard Time), Roger Nolan wrote:
> Stewart,
> I am very interested in your developments.  Sadly, many of our ham friends do
> not consider anything that does not go beep-di-beep-dit  beep-beep-di beep is
> an inferior form of communication.
> Although I was a radio operator for over seven years, I do not have this hang
> up.  A good performing VOX is a fantastic enhancement to a rig. 
> I am going to have to defend my Top Band 'G' Record, Low Power in the CQWW
> SSB Contest over the next few years of low sunspot numbers and what you are
> developing could seriously help me.
> Please bear me in mind.  If I can help in any way, let me know.
> 73
> Roger, G3KWK

Everything has it's place. I believe that my changes to the VOX operation 
make the K2 ideal for SSB contesting as well as CW. If I did not believe this I 
would not be doing the project.

Thanks for your kind offer of help.


Stewart G3RXQ

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