That is very odd indeed.

You should measure at the other end of the wires, to see what the radio is
seeing, but I'm afraid that would make it even worse.

Can you measure the current being drawn? That would be an interesting

Are you certain RF isn't getting into the PS or the meter?

13.8 - 12.4 is more than .2 volts! 1.4 comes to mind.

A 3 volt drop in a 35 amp supply just doesn't compute. Maybe if you were
using a long 18 guage wire and measuring at the rig, but you aren't!

You mention 5x9 signal reports. Any reports of any other artifacts (other
than Strength)?

Keep us posted!

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

k6xr Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 2:44 PM

Hello Dan and thanks for your thoughts.

I installed both the 570 and the k2/qrp and k2/100 on a astron AS35a power
I connected a voltmeter across the power supply terminals and keyed each rig
on 20 meters at 1.0.1 swr at 100 watts output.
power supply voltage unloaded measures 13.8 volts.

ts-570 drops voltage down to 12.4 volts
k2/100 drops voltage down to 10.8 volts.

k2/qrp at 15 watts drops down to 12.1 volts.

the reason for all this is that I kept getting 558 557 598 signal reports
and decided to see if I had a voltage problem.

Dan Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 10:08 AM

Something ain't kosher.

Are you measuring the same thing on both radios? With the same PS? With the
same meter? What you describe doesn't fit in with my view of "Voltage Drop".

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