My KX1 has 30m and the ATU.  Works way more than great, if there is such
a term..  We're signed up for a trip thru the Canal in the spring
(reason #1 for the KX1), and I have acquired what I think is a homebrew
version of the MP-1 or sort of.  N6QYS loaned me his real MP-1, and it
looks pretty much the same and works (electrically) the same.

I've been using my MFJ-259B to pre-tune the antenna (with the goal of
having the inductor settings marked so I don't have to take the 259 and
try to explain that at the security checkpoint in the airports!), and
then count on the KX1 tuner to handle the rest.  So far, on 40m and 30m
seem to come out OK.  On 20, with the pre-sets I've been using, the best
I can get is about 3:1 according to the KX1 after the ATU relays quit.


1.  Any ideas on what is an "acceptable" (in terms of actually being
able to work someone) SWR for the KX1?

2.  As with all antennas, I can tune the antenna for a variety of
resistances and reactances.  I've been shooting for an impedance
magnitude of around 50 ohms.  Possibly some combination of R and X is
more optimum?

It's getting a bit chilly here in N. Cal. to spend time on the deck
using trial and error (MN folks get one, and only one, joke apiece
regarding "chilly") and I was hoping for some accumulated knowlege that
will save me from the cold.


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

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