Contest are a great time to build your award totals! This weekend
is the 'Mother' of all DX Contest. The CQWW CW. All 40 zones
will be active and some great DX with great op's and very good
ears...Since Monday with my K1 into a GAP Challenger I have 
worked VP9, 3D2, VP2, V73, V31, KP2, CO6, CX4, VP8 (Falkland
Islands on 40 CW), C6, VK9NW (Norfolk Island), V26, 9Y4, TI5,
P40 and VK9XG (Christmas Island)..Conditions are pretty good
and DXCC QRP on a weekend is possible. I've done it in 11 hrs
running QRO..Contest starts at 0000 UTC Friday evening for
48 hours...Sat evening on 40 and Sunday on 10 & 15 are great 
for QRP. Pile-ups are smaller and stations are starved for QSO's.
Have fun es CU in the Pile-Ups..
73,  Art  W6KY    K1-2  K1-4
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