
Your first suggestion seems possible.  12 uH is fitted as supplied with the
thermistor mod kit.

All components D16/D17 etc checked and are OK and there are no bad joints or

John G3NYX.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "W3FPR - Don Wilhelm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "John Heaviside" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 8:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KS PLL Reference Oscillator

> John,
> In my experience, you will find one of 3 things wrong.
> 1) The inductor on the bottom of the board below the PLL crystal (L31) is
> too large.  If you have a 12 uH inductor there, request the 10 uH from
> Elecraft.  OTOH, if it is already 10 uH, look elsewhere.  Elecraft is
> currently shipping the 10 uH inductor with the kits which should match the
> PLL crystal supplied.
> 2) There is something unsoldered, poorly soldered, or shorted on the
> thermistor board.
> 3) R19, or parts of RP2 are improperly soldered or have an incorrect
> The BAND+/BAND- measurement points are the extremes, and your voltages at
> pin 1 are correct.  Normal operation will not cause the varactor diodes to
> be left at zero volts - this is NOT the cause of your problem.
> Be certain you have the correct varactors at D16 and D17 - looking from
> top of the board, D17 (1SV149) should be smaller than D16 (MV209)
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "John Heaviside" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "elecraft reflector" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 3:09 PM
> Subject: [Elecraft] KS PLL Reference Oscillator
> K2 PLL Reference Oscillator Range.
> Further to my previous posting: the problem was not insensitive counter
> was in some way connected with the RIT/XIT control.  The low frequency
> reading BAND- is now stable but is too low.  BAND+ is 12099 and BAND-
> giving a range of over 20kHz which is outside specification.
> I have checked the circuit and all seems to be OK.
> U5 pin7 (U6 pin3) is 4.06 at BAND+ and 0.01at BAND- which seems OK
> to the circuit diagram.
> U6 pin1 is 7.48 and 0.00.  This again seems OK as U6A has a gain of about
> with a small -ve bias resulting from the thermistor mod.
> D16 and D17 are unbiased at the low end. (They actually self bias from the
> RF ro a small +ve voltage at R19/C100).  This seems to be bad practice as
> the capacity will vary widely from component to component and result in
> widely varying reference oscillator range. Hence my 20kHz range?
> Am I mistaken? Is there a fix for this?
> John G3NYX
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