Try this, Chas: With the leads on the part being tested, take a reading. Then, without moving the leads, short them and read leads-only inductance. Subtracting lead inductance from the value previously read will very often get you quite close to the REAL value. Some meters - and that Elenco should be one - have an offset function, allowing lead parasitics to be removed automatically. My B&K does.

You say your MFJ 259B is not accurate. It should be. In fact, at RF it should be closer than the Elenco, which uses audio and misses the effect of turn to turn parasitic capacitance. BTW, the 259B is capable of reading inductance directly, rather than resorting to the grid-dip option; its frequency calibration is good enough that detecting resonance can be more accurate. though. To get that accuracy, you will need resonating capacitors whose value are rather precisely known . Have you tried, instead of dipping, detecting series resonance directly?


From: Charles Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Elenco LCR-1810. It has a 200 uH sacle as the lowest scale, but it does not read correctly and is off by a factor of 2:1 at low values of uH. I need to read uH in the range of 2 TO 200 uH (HF inductors). The only thing I have other than the Elenco is a MFJ 259B with the grid dip option which is a pain to use and not that accurate either.

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