During a recent 80m QSO with Ron, ZL1TW, he reported that I had some
kind of FM-ing on 80m cw.
Did some fooling-around yesterday & found the problem only existed on
80m & only on powers of 80w or more. It was VERY noticeable on a second
Rx & I was surprised nobody had mentioned it before - however, it was a
kind of revenge for Ron, as it was me who told him about the problem on
his K2 a few weeks ago.
Anyway, I installed a 12pF capacitor from the junction of D12/D14 to
ground, on the KPA-100 & all now seems clean. Not sure if the problem
had always existed with my unit, or whether it appeared 'along the
way'. This quick & easy mod DOES work though, but it would be good to
get some official Elecraft comments!
73 to all de Mike, zl1mh

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