Tom is correct on checking everything as you go. Even after building many K2s, I still do it the same way - I sort the components and place them in order for easy 'part picking' (I use the corrugated cardboard edge of a slit USPS shipping box). Then as I insert each part, I read its value. This gives me 2 checks; 1) I selected from the proper component location, and 2) I have verified the value on the part I have in my hand. Yes, I even do this with the resistors even though they are correctly mounted in insertion order on the strip - I did find an incorrect value in one kit I built (but only one incorrect out of approximately 800 resistors - pretty good quality control there at Elecraft).

Unsoldered component leads are another frequent cause of failure. There are folks who choose to put in one component, solder it and go on to the next, but I stuff components in groups (sometimes large groups), and almost never miss soldering a component - I achieve that by following my own rule 'NEVER TRIM AN UNSOLDERED CONNECTION' I do a thorough inspection of each solder joint at the same time I am trimming its lead. If I spot one unsoldered, I finish trimming the others and go back to solder any that are still sticking above the board. If a component (like ICs) have short legs, I put one in and solder it (one at a time). These are the 'rules' I have developed for myself, and they work for me, but I do suggest that any builder develop his own method of 'orderliness' to help prevent construction errors.


----- Original Message -----
May I offer a word of advice.  Don't get into a Zen like state as you put
the caps in etc.   Read and check EVERY step.   Don't think to yourself
"Ok..I'm running .047 caps right now".

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