It isn't dead any more, thanks to Gary!

Got ready for the Spartan Sprint last Mon night, and made a couple of
Q's around 1600 PST. Turned KX1 off, had dinner, and at 1800, came back
in, turned it on ... to silence.  Finally figured out the RX was dead,
TX still OK.  Tried to finish Sprint with K2, but had another unrelated
issue with some part of the antenna system, and by this time, I was wet
(raining), not in a great mood about radio-thingies, and the Sprint only
lasts 2 hrs, so I was sort of out of airspeed, altitude, and ideas. 
Final score: Tubby Class (I refuse to weigh the K2, gel cell, headfones,
and bencher paddle) for 4 QSO's.

There followed an appeal to Gary, followed immediately by a 2 pg set of
suggested troubleshooting procedures. They worked -- the BFO wasn't
running. However, when I touched the scope probe to the BFO crystal
lead, the RX came alive.  Now, I can't get it to quit for further
troubleshooting.  Maybe BFO crystal is a tad sluggish, who knows. 
Working is OK with me.

But, to the point:  Yet again, and as everyone on this list knows,
Elecraft has truly "broken the code" on stellar customer service.  I
didn't really want another multi-mode, 100W radio so I bought a vanilla
K2, but I'm beginning to think I'm going to add the Amp, SSB and the
tuner and unload one of my Asian radios. I seriously doubt I'd have
gotten a reply from Kenwood, Icom, or Yaesu, let alone detailed test

73 and Happy Holidays to all,

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

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