On Thu, 2004-09-12 at 22:06 -0800, Andreas Hofmann wrote:
> Why is the side tone level not routed through the normal audio path so the
> AF gain would change it too? Would that be something that would be possible
> to change? Any other simpler suggestions?

I have an Icom 706MKIIG as a mobile rig. It has the sidetone level
controlled by the AF gain. Sometimes when trying to dig out a weak
signal, I turn the RF gain way down and the AF gain way up - which is
fine until I transmit, and my ears get blasted by the sidetone. I always
wished the sidetone *wasn't* controlled by the AF gain.

I don't know if that's the reason the K2 was designed the way it is, but
it works for me.

73, Brian

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