There has been a drought in the number of Elecraft Ragchewer's Awards that have been coming in. It seems that not many of you are getting on the air with your KX1s, K1s, K2s and K2/100s and spending some time heating up the ionosphere !

So, in an effort to increase activity and at the same time celebrate Christmas; I have an offer you can't refuse! Have a nice Holiday ragchew using your Elecraft rig and make it last at least 30 minutes. Any ragchew submitted from now until January 6th (the Twelfth day of Christmas) will earn you your Elecraft Ragchewer's Award for FREE! The normal $2.00 fee will be waived in honor of the Holiday Season !

Full details can be found at -

To all - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

73 de Larry W2LJ
Your humble Elecraft Awards Administrator

Elecraft = QRP perfected!

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