For those who asked about cooling.   There is no top cover on the KAT-100...the 
bottom of the K2 is exposed (providing shielding between the KAT-100 and the 
K2) and the position of the aux fan in the DB-9 location blows air across and 
up through the ventilation holes in the bottom of the K2.

I just finished some tests.   I chose 45W output as it is good for digital 
modes and driving my KW amp to full output.

After 7 minutes key down into a dummy load (Duty cycle?  We don't need no 
stinking duty cycle!) the large heat sink is cold on the left side,  warm on 
the left half and right side and very warm directly over the KPA-100's output 
transistors.   The air bleeding from the front of the KAT-100 is cold.   I 
suspect the basic K2 output stage is benefiting as well.

Nothing like the fried egg feeling when I put my hand on the KPA-100 after 
CQing for 4 mins without the 2nd cooling fan mounted in the KAT-100.

Oh....if you don't have the 60M mod do NOT turn on the d1g menu 
setting....somehow that got set during my consruction of the K2+1 and the 
symptoms are a loss of PLL on 40M.  The guys at Elecraft straightened me out on 
that in one e-mail.  

If anyone else builds their KAT-100 into their K2 I'd like to hear from them.

73 de Tom K2TA

  I looked at your photos and I was wondering about cooling of the K2's 
finals...There are ventilation holes in the bottom cover of the basic K2...My 
recollection of the enclosure for the KAT100-1 is that there are no ventilation 
holes in it...Do you run digital modes, and if so, have you experienced any 
heat build up problems?...73

  Jerry, wa2dkg
  K2 # 2549
  KX1 # 839
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