>From Pete Norman:

I don't know whether you get the same adverts stateside for certain stains and 
varnishes but there's one over here that simply says, "It does what it says on 
the tin!"

I am delighted to say that on a thoroughly miserable day in Somerset I feel 
dead chuffed because #4609 is alive and kicking,and does what it says in the 
manual, after what seems to have been a troublefree build.  I am sure I can 
refine, hone and perfect settings and parameters in due course but at the 
moment I can't praise the Elecraft team enough for such a good experience.  
Even my wife is impressed with my calmness during the build, the fact that it 
works so well and how nice it looks!

Handy hints for (potential) new builders:
Download the manual six months in advance and learn it off by heart (well you 
get the idea!).
Buy lots of little brown envelopes and sort bits into them as you inventory 
them...and label carefully.
Write out all the odd small caps on a large sheet of white paper and stick them 
to it with masking tape.

Thank you all!  Pete,  g0pks.
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