Hi folks - 
I just completed the RF board and am doing the resistance checks on page 71.  
For Q7 base it requires 2.5 - 3.0 k.  My DVM onky meausres  .4 ohms - no where 
near 2300 - 3000 ohms. I assume this means I have a short.  There is no short 
between the soldered pads on Q7 and I rechecked the mounting screw hardware to 
make sure each part was correctly in place. All other measurements for the RF 
board are OK. 
Not being anything but a paint-by-number solderer, am I reading the table 
correctly? That does mean 2500 - 3000 ohms write?  If so, I very stumped 
because a short on this component should be very obvious - but I don't see it. 
Can someone offer some help please? Thank you very much in advance.
73/Tim NZ7C

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