Northern California ... Portland ... 20 meters -- pick two. KEVIN: You were RST 119. I got a few letters occasionally, and I knew you were in there.
TOM: Thanks. You were full scale on the K2. For the record, rig was: K2 (#4398) @ 5W (MFJ 989C said 8W but I doubt its linearity that low) 3 el Tri-Bander It doesn't seem to make much difference which way I point the beam for Kevin. When Tom turned his beam he went from full scale to S1. I'm impressed. I left a whole lot of my hearing in SE Asia, and I'm going to lower my sidetone pitch some in the hopes that will help. Anyone know the bottom limit? 73, Fred K6DGW Auburn CA CM98lw _______________________________________________ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page: