A very long time ago I suggested to Elecraft that an "Ultimatic" option would 
be nice, and anyway the iambic mode is a dogs' breakfast to actually use. 
Iambic keying only exists because of designer laziness; it was the easy way 
out with flip flop circuitry. 
The last discrete device "Ultimatic-style" keyer published in QST was the 
Versakeyer, and that was back in May 1979. It has an iambic option (never 
used it) and an auto-space option (OK, but really makes you work on your 
timing.)  The original 1950s Ultimatic keyer used a heap of relays (ugh) 
although the 11 tube version used only one.  I still have my tube Ultimatic; 
component ageing has stopped it working .... but one day I'll fix it ..
So I use my 1979 Versakeyer most of the time. It will key anything up to plus 
or minus 300v and is RF proof. But being lazy I never got round to adding the 
external keyer diodes to my K2, so I just swap between paddles and 
re-programme brain when going from Omni-V to K2 and back again. But having 
been obliged by my own laziness to use both modes, often in rapid succession, 
I have not the slightest doubt that the Ultimatic mode wins fist down on ease 
of use and convenience.
Now if only I could motivate myself to shoe horn a K1EL (12 series) chip into 
my K2 .....  
Yes, the magic HEXKEY is only hooked to the Versakeyer and not to the K2 ... 
shame on me, I know !
John  G3JAG (try sending that in iambic mode)
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