My K2 has the 2nd latest chip set in it. It is a 3200 s/n. I have been  using 
it on SSB at 12W.
I have the audio compressor on max.
  I have had hours of great QSO's so far. I know see an option to open  up 
the SSB filter on RX. I use the stock 2.2khz and I like the audio. I find the  
1.8khz filter on SSB to be better than that of my Drake TR-7 and Kenwood  
  The 1.8khz on the K2 sounds full bodies on SSB. 
    Has anybody done the 2.6khz SSB rx mod? Is it worth the  effort, and 
minimal cost?
My only complaint about my K2 is that the RX SSB audio does not have enough  
low end.
The old all transistor Drake TR-7 can sound like tube audio with a few  
simple cap changes.
  Has anybody come up with some audio mods. Sure I know the  limitations of 
the LM-386/380 audio chips
  I was also struck by the choice of transistor used in the RF  pre-amp. Why 
a simple bipolar and not the industry standard Mosfet. I was  thinking about 
trying the bais change in the post IF mixer to get an even lower  noise floor.
   I like to operate pre-ampless when ever possible. I have found  this 
reduces operator fatique.
I do have to say that I am still impressed by the K2's RX. However my Drake  
TR-7's pre-ampless design does give that almost zero noise floor sound.
  The Rx in my K2 is about as good as my TS-850. The fact that the K2  sounds 
crystal clear in 1.8khz SSB is shockingly good. The 1.8khz bw on my  R-7A is 
not as clear on SSB on the K2. True as advertised, the K2's RX can  compete 
withe $2000-$3000 rigs.
  My only nitpick is better pre-ampless performance, and getting that  Drake 
audio sound.
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