Intersting ideas. If you did enlarge the SSB board to get all the bits in,
in which directions would you enlarge the exixting board?
IMHO it would be essential to contain the "new" board in a 'tin' box in turn
mounted on metal, which raises the question of access to test points etc on
the RF board, but a solution might be available.

If you are considering some form of RF Clipping processing, you will need a
second 'IF Filter' anyway. Although some people have got away with it, it is
not a good idea to clip a DSB signal as produced by the balanced modulator.
A lot of weird gurgles can result.

As far as basic SSB 3db bandwidth is concerned, my personal preference when
using small ladder filters, less than 8 crystals, is for a bandwidth between
2.0 kHz and 2.2 kHz. Although wider filters can sound nice, usually the
filter's lower sideband skirt suffers to some degree (upper skirt if
crystals in shunt connection). The result can be anti-social. Having said
that, it is possible to build ladder filters with bandwidths around 5kHz at
5MHz, but various circuit trickery is involved and the skirts are a bit

Good luck with the project.

Geoff     GM4ESD

----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 10:07 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] An idea for the K2
>   For $89 the SSB board certainly gives you the most bang for the  buck.
> I see a 2.6khz up grade option is offered.
> I noticed a larger SSB board would fit. I am going to experiment on the
> board.
> I am trying to get an RF speech proc. AM mod/demod . perhaps a socket to
> take an auxillary group of xtals. for a 2nd 7 pole filter, Perhaps even
> or IF shift.

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