In a message dated 12/03/05 17:57:25 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

I admit  that I was nervous at 
every test stage, but everything ultimately tested  out fine, and so far 
the rig is working great. It took 2 months, during  which I spent a 
total of 100 hours building (don't laugh; I may not be  fast, but at 
least I'm slow).

No need to worry how long it took to build your K2 Mike, the proof is that  
the K2 worked correctly at the end of the day. I haven't a clue how long my  K2 
took to construct about a year or so back, only that it worked  correctly at 
the end and still is. Made a few errors during the building, but  these were 
picked up and subsequently corrected by following the excellent step  by step 
test procedures in the K2 manual. More difficult problems were solved by  the 
assistance of Gary at Elecraft Support or help from the more knowledgeable  
Elecraft list members.
Am not aware or seen any evidence that Elecraft offer any prizes  for the 
fastest builder in any case!
Bob, G3VVT
K2 #4168
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