To All,

Tony Wells, G7IGG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and I are testing an EH antenna vs a normal 1/4 wave dipole and we need some signal reports.

The test is using my K2 and Tony's Beacon Monster software. I am operating a manually controlled beacon on 14.102 MHz. The software times the beacon and commands the K2 to send a brief message on one antenna then switches antennas and sends on the other. See for details of the message and the status of beacon.

This is an example of what you can do with the K2.

Please send signal reports to me. The best way to measure the signal report is to use Spectrogram, MixW or Spectran to measure the signal strength. If you can record a .wav file with the AGC off, please send it and I can analyze it with Spectrogram.

Locally and in US, preliminary results indicate the 1/4 wave dipole is 3 to 6 dB stronger than that from the EH antenna. I have some reports from European stations that the EH is 3 to 6 dB stronger, but I have a very small sample; that's why I need more reports. The old adage that a vertical antenna radiates equally poorly in all directions may not be true. These antenna may have some directivity.

73, Chas, W1CG
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