That dedicated 220 VAC line is likely not all that dedicated, unless you have absolutely separate 220 VAC service coming into your shack. Under typical home circumstances, the 110 VAC is simply on one side of the 220 VAC line. So your 110 shares a buss with the 220 VAC. LIkewise, two separate 110 VAC lines coming from the same side of the service are not really separate except for the breakers.

best wishes,

dave belsley, w1euy

On Mar 20, 2005, at 12:57 PM, Earl W Cunningham wrote:

Bruce, NM5B wrote:

"I'm beginning to wonder if the noise source is conducted via the power
lines vs. radiated."
Others suggested that it stopped because the K2/100 was in a different
room on an AC circuit other than the amp.

Well, the amp is on a dedicated 220 VAC line and the K2/100 is on a 110
VAC line.

73, de Earl, K6SE
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