Paddle? Don't need no stinkin' paddle.

I was at a party one night at the home of KR4W, and a receiver was running
in the background. I heard WG4T (the very first 4-land Amateur Extra
licensee after mine) calling CQ. I just HAD to have him in the log.

The only transmitter Richard had operable was some old tube rig, keyed with
about 800 volts on the key line. The closest thing to something keyable was
some alligator clip-leads with (very thin) insulation over them.

I got the QSO, although my code was probably a bit rough. No jolts either.

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456 (and a couple Benchers).


Now if only my paddle would arrive I could get on the air.  Everything
else on #4778 is finished.


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