Don, W3FPR wrote:
The only caution that I can offer on your CW method is that some folks have
trouble matching the pitch, and also during the times WWV is transmitting a
tone (either 500 or 600 Hz), it is easy to zero on the tone instead of the
carrier - if you find yourself off by 500 or 600 Hz, that may be the
explaination - double check during the minutes when no tone is transmitted.

Since my hearing is shot too, and I don't possess the gift of perfect pitch,


The beauty of the Elecraft method is that you do not need to "match pitch"
or have any sense of pitch at all! The Elecraft system uses zero beat
between the signal and the SPOT tone. You just tune for a 'zero' or 'null'. 

I have been really surprised at the number of ops who don't seen to be able
to hear the beat note between the signal and the sidetone. The few times I
have actually watched someone who had trouble, they did *not* have the two
tone levels near equal. It's important they be very close to the same
loudness. Then as you approach zero beat, you'll hear the beat note going
slower and slower: "wow,wow, wow..... Wow.......woooow....
Wooooooow............" all you have to do is adjust the frequency until the
"wow" comes to a stop (or very close to it since the K2 tunes in 10 Hz
steps. Indeed, by noting the speed at which the beat occurs between too 10
Hz you can interpolate to estimate the frequency to within only two or three
Hz. For example, the beat goes "wow, wow..." at about 6 time a second at
7,036.00 kHz and goes "wow," about 4 times a second at 7,037.00
kHz, you can be sure the actual frequency is 7,036.006! That can be useful
at times in comparing frequencies.

The bottom line is the tuning method requires *no* ability to hear musical
pitch or match pitches. It only requires the ability to adjust the volume
and sidetone levels properly then adjust the tuning until the third 'beat'


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