Jonesy,K9NX wrote:

My K2 #4198 is running just fine and I am wondering how often to check the
Calibration of my K2 to help make sure it is running at peak performance 
Say every 6 months or yearly?


Just a guess, but I'd say you can ignore it for a couple of years at least.
Even then, 'recalibration' will catch any tuned circuits drifting, but isn't
really a test to see if there's performance degradation from other reasons.

I have a habit of recalibrating or doing other repairs only when I see
something wrong. I see something wrong when some critical values change. 

I log the key data about a new rig so I can look back from time to time if
I'm suspicious that something's amiss or if I'm simply bored and want to
tinker <G>.

For transmit, I have a record of the maximum power out on each band into a
good dummy load. I have a K2/100 so I have the numbers with the amp on and
with it off.  

For receive, I use the XG1 to note the S-meter response it provides on each
band. That's an excellent way to check the receiver sensitivity. Do it with
the preamp on and off to confirm normal preamp operation. 

A note of the current draw from the power supply reported key down at full
power and key up in receive gives me a check of the current drain.

Spectrogram allows capturing the screen shots of the filter responses which
I have. If I ever suspect something going strange in the BFO frequencies or
in the filter itself, a quick comparison with the saved spectrogram plot
will confirm or refute any change. 

I also log the settings in CAL FIL and other menu parameters I've set up in
case I ever change anything, or have a problem that requires resetting the
values, so I can quickly reset things to "normal" if I've been tinkering and
forgot where I started from.

This is the result of a lifetime habit, since I've always operated equipment
I built myself, a lot of it of my own design. Once in a while what I think
is a receiver or transmitter turns into a smoke generator.  Having a log of
critical data (and the schematic where I can find it) helps me figure out
how to turn off the smoke. 

I usually keep a binder with data on each rig. My K2 is S/N 1289 built in
May of 2000. My notes and data on changes, mods, and accessories that I've
added now fills a 2 inch binder, and that does not include the original
manual! But any time I open it up and ask, "What is that for?" I can check
the notes and find out. 

For me, every piece of equipment is a work in progress. It's only finished
when I retire it completely. 

Ron AC7AC 

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