I've got my K-2 baby 2839 that only has the SSB option, and thats mainly for
PSK31 operating. I got it built up to about the half way point and it was
taking me about a year to get that far. I finally had someone take my baby
and finish it. He brought all the small mods it needed up to date,
exceptional job and it has worked better than I could have ever asked. .
Except for very low output on 10m its working great. I use it on some  mode
almost every day. I'm getting the urges to make it even better to put more
add ons.

I was given a KAF-2 module already built but the battery holder was damaged.
I now have a new holder to but in the unit which I will do tomorrow when I'm
more like awake.

Now page 3 of the KAF-2's lil manual says you must have a 2.01 or later
revision. Your suppose to hold any key power up and when you release the
switch you will see the revision on the left side. Upon doing that I see a
2.02H and on the right side I get a 1.02.
So am I safe?? Have there been other upgrades done? Can or How do I get
them?? They are talking about U6 here aren't they?

I'm going to go thru each step and make sure what was suppose to be put
where was done and keep on till I get to the end. Then just follow the
undone steps and see what happens.

U2 has a paper on it that says KAF2  right below that is 1.00  is that ok???
Thats on the board that was given to me.

Once I get the KAF2 in my K-2 and see what it actually does then I'll get
one of the simpler model upgrades and do that. Like maybe the 160M Option,
and then just maybe the Noise Blanker Option, low and slow is my key. ha ha

Jerry - NR5A - South Dakota

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