Steve, Stuart, and Gang:

I have a Hexbeam, fed with RG213 into a Delta switch at three locations so 

Stuart is on the right track, RF on the coax, but looking at the wrong Internet 
source.  The Hexbeam group at Yahoo covers it all, and the 'current choke' 
issue has been such a common thread, that the solution is mentioned in the Home 
Page of the group. Quote:

" 6 Amidon FB-77-1024 beads side over RG-213 and can be held in place with heat 

Not mentioned on the home page, is to make sure the coax from the top of the 
Hexbeam is routed down the 'cold' side of the center support (in the manual), 
and the beads are located just below the antenna mounting plate.  

That said, my Hexbeam is totally un-fussy, through the switch, No tuner -- 
straight into an Ameritron 80B amp (sometimes on--sometimes off  :-)  Now about 
that Elecraft amp....

73, Bob
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