
SOOOOO SORRY I missed hearing you! Will try to do a better job next week, Bob!!!

I was running about 80W to a 80/40/30m fan dipole with it's apex at about 21m.

But the times should have been 0300Z, I think.


Tom   N0SS

At 04:18 AM 4/25/05, F5UL wrote:
Hi Kevin !

Just for information and if u want to QSP Tom, I heard him 549 on 7045.3 at
0200 z this morning.

I called till 0227z but to no results ??!! - I will try next time on
10107.2 and 14050 may be I may get through!!

Best 72 from Bob/F5UL
By the way it's K2 4498 !

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