My Elecraft experience to date has been very enjoyable as I imagine yours
has. I am pretty well built out with the K2 family of products and am still
learning to take advantage of the many features. Like all activities,
finding the proper balance with family, work, hobbies, etc. continues to

Here is my recent K2 humorous operating moment.....I like to dial in a QSO
when I am doing an activity in the shop, sometimes
CW, sometimes SSB....anyway I was in the USB mode, but down in the CW
portion of the band for just a broad bandwidth listen,
and came across some real nice CW sending to listen to. Even though I have
one of the visual LED tuning accessories built-in to my K2,  I am in the
habit of turning on the 'spot' tone to zero-beat as well. Well, I could just
barely hear the spot tone coming from the speaker.

This was odd as usually the spot tone is about the same level as my normal
audio listening level. I had recently searched the archives for info on an
accessory speaker and had come across the review of a Radio Shack speaker
that a lot of the fellows liked that was on a close out.

Our local store was able to find one for me in their network of stores, (
half-price!!)  I had just hooked it up the day before.  I was getting tunnel
vision on 'what is wrong with my new speaker'.......

Then it dawned on me..........I was on USB listening to CW with the DSP on
and the autonotch engaged!!!  No wonder I couldn't hear the spot tone!!!

It was working as designed, the operator was at fault!!!

Hmmm, maybe a K2 operating manual for dummies could be a best seller!!!

Those who can learn to laugh at themselves can be entertained for hours!!

73, Roger WA7BOC
K2 #755

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