Erik, SM0RVV wrote:
I see many articles on the Net about different modifications to the K2 rig.
How is this reflecting "the real wold"?

Are there many of you which have modified rigs?
Are the majority using standard K2 exactly built from elecraft's manual?

The main question I'd like answered for myself before I start building 
is if I must have in mind some of the modifications during build-time.

Reply: ------------------------------------

I'd say that the vast majority of K2's have 'mods' by your definition, but
they are completely standard Elecraft rigs just the same. 

Many of the mods (most of them, I think) are improvements to the K2 design
over the years that have been incorporated in the latest production kits. My
old S/N 1289 has a 3-ring binder full of notes on modifications it has
gotten over the past five years, yet the rig is built exactly to Elecraft

That's one of the big features of the Elecraft rigs. If an improvement comes
up that is worth incorporating in all the kits, Elecraft documents it and
usually even provides a kit of parts to upgrade older rigs. You don't have
to buy a new rig to get the new performance features. 

If you're building a new kit, forget any mods until it's finished and
working. Any modification instructions assume that you have a finished rig
working properly to begin with, so if you're going to follow the
instructions, do that first! If something goes wrong doing the mod, you can
find it much easier if you started with a working rig. 

The worst sort of rig to "repair" is one that never worked. Elecraft
included in-process tests to reduce the chances that you've made a mistake
along the way. If you try to incorporate any mods during the initial build,
they may interfere with these tests as well. 


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