Posted for Bob Patten by Elecraft moderator...

Wx is looking good tomorrow for a visit to my favorite part of Florida, the Keys. QTH for the TTF will be Knights Key, at the end of Marathon and just before the Seven Mile Bridge. Knights Key was the original terminus for the Overseas Railroad before Henry Flagler completed the run from Miami to Key West. The old Seven Mile Bridge which carried the railroad over that long span of Gulf and Atlantic water and the new automobile bridge join at Knights Key. The old bridge is used mainly as a fishing pier now and no automobile traffic is allowed. If any of you saw the Arnold Swartzeneger movie, "True Lies", you saw a scene on the old Seven Mile Bridge in which a section was dynamited to open it for boat traffic. The old bridge flies over Pigeon Key and has an exit ramp for this former marine research location, now FEC Railroad Museum. Also on Knights Key, in front of the campground, is an old railroad car now being used as a visitors center for Pigeon Key.

I will set up on the Gulf of Mexico side of Knights Key and operate from the tailgate of my truck. Rig will be an Elecraft K2 powered by my FD marine battery and computer controlled by a Toshiba 486 notebook that K7RE stumbled on at the Miami Hamboree for $25. I've been holding the notebook for our yearly visits to Freeport, Grand Bahama, and getting a good bit of use from it (last weekend, mobile through 21 counties in the Florida QSO Party; W4OV and K4LQ will use it next weekend in the MARAC County Hunters CW Contest). I plan to use my six of nine hours in two hour blocks: the first and last two with the remainder somewhere in the middle. A limited participation QRP sprint really should attempt to have all operators on during the same time period, but that is up to the rule makers... My Florida multiplier is almost assured with NE4LS and K4THL
planning operation just ten miles from me at Bahia Honda Key.  :-)
Hope to work many of you on the QRP frequencies tomorrow between 1500Z and 2400Z.

73,     Bob Patten, N4BP                Plantation, FL

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