I won't speak for Susan, but for myself I prefer much wider bandwidths for
CW listening because the narrower bandwidths produce what I'd call a "harsh"
sound that is unpleasant, even though narrower bandwidths are providing a
better signal to noise ratio.

In fact, it's that all the sound I hear is limited to that narrow band of
frequencies that produces that unnatural "harshness" I avoid whenever

Often I find a signal a bit hard to read with narrow bandwidths so I open up
the bandwidth and there it is, much easier to copy even though there may be
QRM now intruding. But my "gray matter" filter deals with QRM better than
anything I've seen in a micro-chip so far.

Probably 99% of my CW ops are conducted with a bandwidth of at least 1 kHz,
even under weak signal and heavy QRM conditions. One of the great attributes
of the K3 is its great dynamic range that allows me to do that without the
receiver desensitizing.  


-----Original Message-----


I'm surprised you find the CW mode so noisy.  I find that one of the best
things about the DSP in CW mode is that the more you narrow it, the more the
noise disappears.  If the signal is strong enough, I can get rid of the
noise completely.  Lou WA3MIX

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