Second send after being rejected as Spam!
Thanks to all who responded to my query about the AGC in the K1. There sure are a lot of K1 owners out there! This morning I tried a suggestion that seemed to make sense to me, and I changed C67 from 2.2uf to .22uf . I already had C31 changed to 1uf ( from 2.2uf) so I left that "as is". I consider the result of the changes to be *MUCH* better, with the AGC reacting a lot faster, and the objectionable "blast" one got tuning into a large signal is now reduced to a level where I will indeed trot the old K1 out for the Sprint tonight. To all who responded with confirmations and suggestions, please take this as a collective "Thank You".....otherwise I will be in here all morning answering emails! I make no claim to originality, or having the perfect fix..but it sure sounds better to me at the moment.
Cheers.......Ron ZL1TW
K1 #575
K2/100 # 2204
K2  # 4325
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