OH9NB shared with us:

Another very clever (with memories and all) can be seen
in www.hamware.de and is available in  200W and 1000W versions.
That was originally made for a starshape multi-V-beams.

EUD1.6k, or even EUD450 for 200 watt kit version.  Nice, but
ouch.  Would take saving a lot of rice money to be able to
afford that.  ;^)

Never thought much of auto tuners, though they do open up
some interesting antenna possibilities if remoted.

Instead of a SteppIR dipole, I would love to take an old 40m
beam element (without the linear loading) & feed that with a
proper tuner - essentially Cebik's 44-foot doublet, hopefully
without any of the potential difficulties in feeding it.

Automatic or just remote control of the knobs, I don't care
as long as it works good.  It's easy to beef up an L/C/relay
tuner for higher power, but I always come back to putting
motors on a Johnson kW matchbox & don't get any further
than that.

It's good to see tuned feeders being rediscovered; it's
unfortunate that it's so dear to treat them right nowadays &
that the market has skewed so far away from balanced
in general (not to mention transmitting components
themselves - I hope my stash of ARC-5s is still safe back
in Dad's basement ;^).

73, VR2BrettGraham

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