Cool, really, really cool!  Great job.

Those guys text messaging mentioned that they set the record by sending about 160 characters in just under a minute. That comes to about 32 wpm, not counting wherever it goes to get relayed around.

Here is site that has a file of the segment...forwarded to me by Jeff WB5GWB in our local group.

Thanks agn.


K2 1103
----- Original Message ----- From: "Ken Miller, K6CTW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2005 1:14 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] More Clarifications on the Tonight Show - from K6CTW

*A few more points for clarification: When my XYL, Connie, originally answered the call, at my home, from the producers of the show, she explained that I operated both codes and that I considered myself to be a good but not exceptional operator. However, she is the one who "sold" the producers that the skit could work. She also did a VERY credible job of explaining Morse telegraphy and the radio code and its uses. (You all might think to send her a thanks too as without her, this would never have happened [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) When they contacted me later that afternoon, I explained that my wife was correct, I am a competent CW and Morse operator. Your point is interesting in that they did try and get the fastest text messengers they could fly in. I did however explain that if the Tonight Show folks had been able to get the equivalent world record holder in CW to do this, it would have been at almost TRIPLE the speed we were going at. The reason, as I have explained before, that we worked at about 28 or so wpm is that this is the fastest speed that I can make nice readable copy with a pencil as they did not have the ability to let me use a typewriter for copy (and I thought they were going to do a camera shot of my copy for verification). Also, since we did not have the time to set up headphones, I just added some extra volume for me, had the stage folks cut my mike (to prevent feedback and overload) and copied off of the speaker. To re-emphasize the point, I'm just an average CW op who occasionally operates the CW SS QRP, whith my K2 of course, and really enjoys CW, and traffic handling. By the way, the radios used were Chip's not from Yaesu and the backup radios were from HRO. 73, Ken, K6CTW *

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