On May 13, 2005, at 9:32 AM, Stephen W. Kercel wrote:

Comment on baluns: If you drive a ferrite core to saturation, it will overheat.


Once the core overheats, the inductance changes and you lose your match (quite severely, in my experience).

In order to change the inductance permanently, it must reach the Curie temperature. The inductance will change much at a much lower temperature than this, but the effects aren't lasting.

It doesn't really take much to do it; a few minutes of normal CW operating with 100 watts into a 5:1 SWR on 20 meters will do the trick for me. You are much more likely to drive a balun core into saturation on the high SWR output of a tuner than on the low SWR input of the tuner.

Note that a normal current-type balun feeding a non-pathological antenna (one that has made a reasonable attempt to be balanced) will show little or no flux on the core. The object of the current-type balun is to discourage current from flowing by creating a high- impedance path -- if there's high impedance there's little current and therefore less chance of heating.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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