I have built a KAT1 for a K1, which I acquired already built. The K1 functioned before, and still seems to function now. (I put in the R36 switch.) I cannot get the KAT1 SWR null setup to work, and I've run out of ideas as to what could be wrong with the SWR circuit.
I'm looking for suggestions about what could be wrong.

The minimum voltage I get during the null test is about 0.55 V.
The forward voltage, measured off R1 at U2 pin 5, is about 1.55 V.
The SWR reading is about 2.1:1 into an Elecraft DL-1, connected via a double-female BNC. With the DL-1 in place and the KAT1 removed, I get 50 ohms read with an ohmmeter from the pin on the new header of the KFL2 board to ground inside the rig (within a fraction -- closer than the accuracy of the meter).

I rewound the transformers in the K1, one of which had the wrong number of turns, but I don't think the problem is in the rig itself.

At the lowest Vref value, C9 has the screw slot pointing up and down, (parallel to the CPU).
I assume this is one of the end points of its travel.
I read that a Vref null at one of the end points of C9 indicates a problem with the SWR measuring components, and that seems likely.

I rewound T1 on the KAT1, and have the pass-through wire in pins 5 and 6 and the bifilar wire in 1-4. I've compared the colors, tested for shorts and opens, and made sure to have the wires come from the correct side during winding. I tested D2 and D1 in circuit and my meter says they are still diodes. R3 and R4 in circuit seem rational as well. I touched up the joints on the K5, which is the network switch, and on the other components in the SWR bridge circuit.
All the relays click when I put them through their tests.
R1 and R2 are both at about 70%, and the power reading on the LCD matches the power determined from the DC measurement on the built-in RF probe of the DL-1.

I have previously built a KX1 and K2, with all QRP options, and while it's possible, I don't think I've overlooked a missed pin or bridge.

Does an SWR of a hair over 2:1 for a 50 ohm load suggest any component to examine or replace? I don't know if the failure is it seeing R=25 Ohms, R=100 Ohms, some reactive component induced internally in the bridge, or if the failure to achieve a sufficiently low Vref is unrelated to the load impedance and it is just a voltage offset induced somehow else.

I have some extra 1N5711's on hand, if it's possible that they can develop a non-obvious failure mode (i.e, in circuit the conduct one way and not the other).
Both have the cathodes down, near their D1 and D2 labels.
I don't have an extra variable capacitor for C9 to swap out.

Leigh / WA5ZNU
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