Forgive me if this has been discussed to death already, but I'm not on
the list all the time.

Due to my interest in books, sailing, theatre, etc., I come to the
UK regularly, and often have gazed at the Mecca of SW broadcasting
while waiting at Aldwych for the bus; and patronize the BBC shop on
the ground floor regularly.

It turns out, another member of the Arthur Ransome Society works as an
audio engineer for the BBC WS, and was on duty late last night, so
gave me a midnight private tour of Bush House.  We were going up a large
staircase and I saw in the distance a WS promo poster with what looks
like a homebrew rig, so I go closer.  It turns out, it's Ron AC7AC
quoted about the WS, and the homebrew rig is on top of a K2 in the
photo.  So, there's currently a photo of a K2 on the wall of a
staircase in the home of the BBC World Service.

Perhaps Ron can give us more information about the homebrew rig shown?

73, doug
in London

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