Not to belabor my previous post, but to buttress it . . .

 From "The Radio Amateur's Operating Manual, 3rd Edition, Copyright 1972 
by ARRL" (with thanks to Mike, AB3AP):

Pages 8 and 9:

/K is the procedure signal which means "go ahead." It always has this
meaning when used by itself at the end of a transmission or during exchanges
of brief transmissions using break-in. It is always used after a CQ but 
it is
not used when answering a CQ or calling any station with which contact has
not already been established. K is not usually preceded by any other 

KN is used during a QSO to invite the station being worked, and that
station alone, to transmit.  It indicates that other stations are not 
desired in
that QSO and is frequently used by DX stations to avoid calls from other

KN should always be honored. It is a serious breach of on-the-air
etiquette to call despite a KN.  KN is properly sent as a single 
character, as
the bar over the letters indicates, and not as two separate letters.

KN is not used after a CQ, unless the CQ is directional or informative.
"CQ CQ CQ DE W6QMO KN" is self-defeating and contradictory.  After
a directional CQ however, it emphasizes that answers are desired only from
the place specified: "CQ NYC CQ NYC CQ NYC DE WBSLX KN."/


Kent Trimble, K9ZTV
Jefferson City, MIssouri
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