I hope someone can help me.

I have been trying for some time to perform the alignment and test, Part 1 
(Page 36-39) for the receiver.

The difficulty seems to be U1 and U2.  I have determined the voltages with and 
without T1 and T2 installed, they are as follows:

With T1 and T2 installed the voltages are:

                U1                U2                    

Pin 1    0.55                    0
Pin 2    0.55                    0
Pin 3    0                        0    
Pin 4    6.08                6.08
Pin 5    6.08                6.08
Pin 6    6.03                6.03
Pin 7    5.38                5.38    
Pin 8    6.08                6.08

With T1 and T2 Removed the voltages are

                U1                U2                    

Pin 1    0.55                    0
Pin 2    0.55                    0
Pin 3    0                        0    
Pin 4    6.08                6.08
Pin 5    6.08                6.08
Pin 6    6.03                6.03
Pin 7    5.38                5.38    
Pin 8    6.08                6.08

I have checked the toriods 3 times.  Verified the PCB traces.  Also, when I 
touch pin 4 of U2 I received a very strong AM station in the area.

Thanks for any assistance.

George Kimbriel
K2  3448
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