On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 10:29:32PM -0700, EricJ wrote:
> And those of us who took our 13 wpm AND 20 wpm code tests in front of a
> grumpy FCC Inspector waiting for retirement instead of a collegial VE buddy
> can't stand to be in the same room with ANY of you guys! 
> Eric

Bah, humbug!

Many other countries ceased code testing right after the ITU dropped the 
requirement and I don't recall seeing much of a reaction.  As an OF of 
66 years (licensed for 52 of them), I don't look at this as the end of 
the world at all (nor do I fear the "regulation by bandwidth" 

CW isn't going away.  At least it will no longer be looked at as a 
hindrance to potential hams.

73, Bob, N7XY (20wpm Extra)

Bob Nielsen, N7XY 
Bainbridge Island, WA 
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