Thinking about it, 
   I don't think dropping the code will make one bit of difference to CW. I
agree with Craig in that the guys that just squeak by the CW test most
likely won't be found on the CW bands. The people who want to learn CW will.
99% of my HF operating is in CW. I'm not on HF that often, but when I do
it's almost always CW. I imagine there will be (at least in the beginning) a
flood of HF phone activity and then it will taper off back to 'normal' or a
little higher than normal afterwards. 

James Kern
Network Administrator
Kurt S. Adler, Inc.
1107 Broadway
New York, NY 10010
212-924-0900 x222 (work)
212-807-0575 (fax)
908-451-6801 (cell)
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-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Craig Rairdin
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 12:03 PM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] RE: Sad day

I sympathize with you, and certainly welcome your contributions to the hobby
and to your local emergency services organizations (as if my "welcome" were
necessary or even important).

On the other hand, there are concepts on the written test that seemed like
garbage to me no matter how much I studied. I have a computer science degree
with lots of advanced math and engineering but some of the formulae and
algorithms required for the Extra exam just leave me scratching my head.

So my question is, should a bunch of us be able to get together and ask that
all the technical requirements for ham licenses be dropped just because it's
hard? That's what this "no code" thing sounds like to me. To me dropping the
code and only having a written test is philosophically no different than
dropping the written test and keeping the code.

In the end, the hobby is changing. Other countries have dropped the code
requirement. We should follow suit. It sounds like the tests have been
steadily getting easier over the last 100 years. This is just the next step.

As a CW-only, HF-only ham, I think this seems more ominous and wrong-headed
to me than it does to others. I don't think other points of view are
invalid, though. Just trying to make my opinions known. The guys who squeak
by on a CW test just for the test's sake are probably never going to show up
in the CW bands anyway so it may be a net zero loss for the practice of CW.

I think I'll stop posting on this subject now. :-)


----Original Message----
Sent: 07/21/05 10:41 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] RE: Sad day -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I have been
reading the comments about the possibility of dropping the requirement for
CW in order to advance your license. I have great respect for those who have
passed the code test and one day I would like to be able to use CW, but it
will take a converter and keyboard to accomplish the task. Let me explain. I
built my K2/100 while trying to learn the code to achieve my General license
[ it's been three months now] with absolutely no success, my K2 is now only
a listening device. I have used Ham University and Your Introduction to
Morse Code from ARRL with no success. If your familiar with the courses, I
get to the letter L and when you add all the other letters to the sentence
it sounds like garbage to me. 
I guess my question is, does it make you less of an operator not knowing CW?
I have an EE degree, so there is no problem with the concepts and I am the
Resources Coordinator for ARES/RACES for my county. When the FCC dropped the
requirement for CW, that opened the door for me to be come a HAM and be able
to do the Emergency work I do now. So why should it stop me from expanding
and being of even more use to the community?


Dan N7DWA  K2/100 # 4775    
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