As far as I know, and I could be wrong since I have not researched this 
recently, Yahoo does not allow that kind of post.

If Elecraft had a Yahoo group account then all of those posts would be under 
the login name of Elecraft and not the individual members who posted to 
Elecraft.   Thus, all of the Elecraft message posts would be coming from one 
login account name and that would really mess things up.  Also, if this feature 
were supported, it would allow Elecraft members to implicitly post to the Yahoo 
news group (possibly without their knowledge or approval) without having been 
registered to that newsgroup.  This is another faulty feature if Yahoo allowed 

73, phil, K7PEH

On Apr 28, 2012, at 11:39 AM, WILLIS COOKE wrote:

> That is news to me, but I'm confident that Eric knows.  I suppose that I have 
> believed that Yahoo Groups was involved because the Elecraft messages come to 
> me the same way that Yahoo Groups do and the Yahoo server slowing down 
> affects me because I use Yahoo for an email server.  Those of you who use 
> other servers are subject to the limitations of your email server instead of 
> Yahoo.  I am not subscribed to the K3 and KX3 Yahoo Groups because I get 
> plenty of email as it is.  I do not suspect Eric or anyone else of moderating 
> my email, but in a recent episode of email help from Lagos I would not have 
> objected if someone had intercepted his plea for funds.  
> Willis 'Cookie' Cooke 
> K5EWJ & Trustee N5BPS, USS Cavalla, USS Stewart
> ________________________________
> From: Eric Swartz  WA6HHQ - Elecraft <>
> Cc: "" <> 
> Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 11:00 AM
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Fw:  Moderation
> This official Elecraft list is totally independent of and not connected to 
> the Yahoo groups. Postings are not linked. The Yahoo K3 and KX3 groups were 
> set up by others and are not moderated by us. 
> This list is the primary focus for Elecraft information and discussion. We do 
> try to read the other lists when we have time, but do not do so nearly as 
> often as we read and respond to postings on this list.
> 73,
> Eric
> Elecraft list moderator etc.
> _..._
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 7:49 AM, WILLIS COOKE <> wrote:
>> A factor here is that every message gets a dual posting on 
>> and the Yahoo Group.  The message must go first to mailman and be processed 
>> then back to Yahoo and be processed.  I don't know how long each of these 
>> steps take but being processed by two services and passing through the 
>> internet two times is bound to take longer than one pass.  I have been a 
>> regular on Elecraft reflectors for about 5 years and I have never seen a 
>> message held up that looks like an approval process.  Some times the message 
>> seems to take a while, but benign messages seem to have this happen as often 
>> as controversial messages.  Eric does sometimes ask us to curtail a thread, 
>> but it seems to me that it is always when the thread is getting too long and 
>> tedious rather than when the discussion is controversial.  I think the 
>> delays are just part of the internet, and particularly a part of sometimes 
>> inadequate server power at Yahoo.  I notice the delays on other
>> Yahoo services as well.
>> Willis 'Cookie' Cooke 
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