Original post:
I'm feeling dumber than a rock here, but in following instructions on
alignment of filters using spectrogram I am trying to find how to
turn off
AFIL (and/or SSB?) so that alignment is accurate... What is the
order in the
menu for turning it/them off? Can someone please tell me each
step of doing
this? I'm having trouble finding it in the manuals... Thanks in advance,
and please respond off list if you could.
I have a K2 with external 100 watt amp & tuner, SSB, etc...
Thanks to all who responded and gave me the info that I needed about how to
put the KDSP2 in bypass so that alignment could be done properly. The
original poor receiving sounding tinney and weak was due to my being new to
the KDSP2 features and not recognizing that I had inadvertently put the rig
in Noise Reduction level 4... With that turned off and in bypass the
alignment went very well and things sound great, as well as being right on
target with the filters! Thanks again everyone!
PS Spectrogram is a great tool! Consider giving it a try per N0SS, Tom
Hammond's directions if you have not used it yet...
Mike Sexsmith
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