Thanks for the suggestion Rich.  I tried this and it works, sort of.

The problem is the K3's scanning algorithm - in ssb / fine, it scans 
much too slowly, and in coarse it's too fast and goes past the signal 
before it stops.  Generally the scanning is too insensitive and anything 
below S3 on the meter won't stop the scan.  A "gain control" on the 
scanning function might help to adjust its sensitivity, but I don't see 
how to achieve an optimum scan speed.  This remains a weakness of the 
K3, unless someone has got better results somehow?


On 19:59, Rich - K1HTV wrote:
> How too scan a range of frequencies while tuning the K3 Sub-receiver
> ====================================================================
> Here is another 'How To" from my bag of K3 tricks. I frequenctly put my K3 in 
> the scan mode on 6 Meters, looking for activity from propagation beacons. 
> While the MAIN receiver is scanning, I can simultaneously monitor the 6 Meter 
> DX (50.110) or North American (50.125) calling frequencies or can tune around 
> with the sub receiver with VFO-B. For those of you who have not yet tried to 
> use the K3 scanning feature or have tried but have had no success, here is 
> how it is done:
> 1) Set VFO-A to lowest frequency to be scanned and set the bandwidth and mode 
> to be used during the scan.
> 2) Set VFO-B to the highest frequency to be scanned. If you have a sub 
> receiver, press the BSET and set the bandwidth, mode, NB, etc. that you want 
> to use on the sub receiver. Tap the BSET key when finished.
> 3) Next, press the V>M button once and use VFO-A to find a free memory to use 
> to store the lowest and highest frequencies. I use Memory #99 for most scans.
> 4) Press the V>M button again to move the frequencies and modes into the 
> chosen memory (#99).
> 5) Press the M>V button once. It should already be set to #99. If not, then 
> dial the memory (#99) using VFO-A.
> 6) Press the M>V button a second time to move the desired freqs from Memory 
> #99 to the A&  B VFOs. If you skip steps 5&  6, when you try to initiate a 
> scan you will get the error message "M>V REQ".
> There are two kinds of scans, Muted (SCAN) and Unmuted (AF ON).
> 1) To start a muted scan, HOLD the SCAN button for about a second until 
> "SCAN" appears on the LCD screen. When a signal is sensed, the scanning will 
> stop and you will hear the audio of the detected signal. After a few seconds, 
> if it stopped on a stable carrier or the signal disappears, the scan will 
> resume. If the scan stops on a CW signal, it usually stays on that frequency 
> until the CW stops, then resumes scanning.
> 2) To start an unmuted scan, HOLD the SCAN button about 3 seconds until the 
> LCD screen reads "AF ON".
> During an unmuted scan, it will not stop as it tunes past signals. To stop 
> either a muted or unmuted scan, move VFO-A or tap any button.
> Do you have a sub receiver in your K3?
> It is possible to tune around the band with your sub receiver while a 
> scanning with the MAIN receiver. To do so, before you press the SCAN button, 
> press the SUB button. If you want the change sub receiver's mode, bandwidth, 
> NB on, etc., HOLD the BSET button, make the changes, then tap the BSET 
> button. To start the scan, HOLD the SCAN button. As soon as the scan starts 
> on the MAIN receiver, you can start tuning around the sub receiver with 
> VFO-B. If you accidentally move VFO-A, the scan will stop.
> The speed of the scan can be changed by tapping the FINE button.
> It seems like a lot has to be done to set up a scan. But once you load a 
> memory with the frequencies and modes, starting a scan is quite simple. Once 
> my primary scan storage memory #99 is set, here are the keystrokes used to 
> quickly start a scan:
> Tap M>V
> Tap M>V
> Tap SUB to turn on sub receiver if desired
> Hold SCAN
> I hope that you find this info to be useful.
> 73,
> Rich - K1HTV
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