Very well said Guy!

When I took my training for MOS 051.1 (High speed CW operator), they didn't tell
us we would go back to the infantry.  They told us we would go to cook school!

The only time I ever use SSB these days is on my NAVY/MARINE CORPS MARS nets.
NAVMARCORMARS still allows CW on their nets and those of us who can, use it when
conditions are poor if we know the NCS is a CW user.

Amateur Radio Operator N5GE
ARRL Lifetime Member
QCWA Lifetime Member

On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 09:43:38 -0400, Guy Olinger K2AV <>

>In the later years, since the no-code decision in USA licensing
>particularly, I have noted an increase of contest QSO's where the other end
>obviously copies 25 WPM somehow and only sends 8-10 wpm, and that clearly
>on a hand key.
>The flurry of complaints, when 4.51 partially unglued the CW text decode on
>the K3, further confirms it.
>As someone who could copy 20 WPM at age 14, and can still copy 50-60 wpm in
>my head, it is hard to imagine listening to code and not simply
>understanding it, like someone talking to me.  I've asked some folks why
>the difficulty learning code, and they relate something that usually sounds
>like the "13 WPM barrier" tale.
>As it turns out, the old way to learn code is all wrong as a universal
>method.  Code needs to be learned like a language, and at 20 wpm to start
>with.   But that's not how it's done the old way.   The old way has been
>around since WWII and the Army Signal Corps. Memorize the alphabet with
>visual dots and dashes beside it.  Then just keep at it until you don't
>need the card any more.  Do it with a typewriter from the get go.
> Eventually a sound in the ear is directly linked to a typewriter key,
>copied autonomically, and you can carry on an unrelated conversation at the
>same time.  Buggers don't know what they've copied until they read it on
>the page.  Really.
>OF COURSE that worked, FOR THEIR PURPOSES.  People CAN learn code that way.
> But quite MORE CANNOT.  What did army do?  They sent 100 draftees into a
>class and then kept the 30 best in the signal corp and sent the other 70
>back to the infantry.  That WOULD work for an army.  But it clearly is not
>a universal method, and using dash dot cards prevalently in hamdom all
>these years produces a 70% who gave up on code, and now use CW decoders in
>CW contests because CW contests are FUN!!! and CW covers distance way
>better than SSB.
>So what's this cr*p about learning code at 20 WPM?  NOBODY can translate 20
>wpm sound to dididahdahdidit and then to question mark by looking at the
>card, at 20 WPM.
>Well, you're exactly right, of course they can't, and that's the point.
> THAT METHOD is doomed to failure for 70% of those who try it.
>CW needs to be learned from 20 wpm code SOUNDS.   The *WORD* "and" at 40
>wpm has a distinctive sound that has nothing to do with letters.  The WORD
>"and" has the same exact sound at 20, 35, 50 and 75 wpm, if the sending and
>receiving hasn't mushed the sound and made it indistinct at  higher speeds.
> Not hearing it at 75 is a matter of INDISTINCTNESS or not concentrating,
>it's not copy speed.  If it's distinct the word "and"  sounds the same at
>any speed.
>One will not be able to copy German at 50 wpm, if you don't know the SOUND
>of German words in CW.
>It's like listening to an auctioneer talking really fast.  The issue is
>making your mind stay up with him and how clearly he ennunciates his fast
>New way.  Code learners hear the sounds of most common letters at 20 wpm
>right off the bat.  E  T  A N.  You memorize the SOUND,  no visual dots and
>dashes, no repeating dits and dahs to oneself.  You learn the SOUND of the
>letter, first off.  Then learn words:   eat   tea   net  at  an  ten
>Speed is never an issue.  Ever.  Almost nobody fails in this method.
>You don't need to text decode that code.  You just listen to it, just like
>listening to SSB.  Except CW has that 10 dB advantage and you get a lot
>more signals in the same space.
>Contact W0UCE.   See   Life can be good.  Listen to a CW QSO as
>you walk around the room doing something else.  Keep firmware 4.51.
>73, Guy.
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