
I'm currently using a MacBook Pro flaptop that I bought to study Apple 
programming. It's currently running the latest version of OS X, Mountain 
Lion. The upgrade cost 19.95 and was a non-event.

I also run Windows 7 on it under Parallels, a virtual machine. Both ML 
and Win 7 run at the same time.

On the Mac side I settled on RUMLog for logging and CocoaModem for digi 
work. RUMLog can use either CCM or FLDigi. No interface needed, just two 
audio cables.

I tried MacLoggerDX and preferred RUMLog. IMHO, better support. Both 
have rig control, RUMLog doesn't have rotor control.......yet.

The Mac's have a single jack for audio in and out. The simple solution 
is a iMic dongle which splits 'em.

The Apple operating system is a civilized layer over the savagery of 
Linux. I tried Linux on an extra flaptop and could never get it going to 
my satisfaction.

The least expensive new Mac is the Mini.

73, Mike NF4L

On 8/24/12 9:44 AM, Paul and Sue Huff wrote:
> Please forgive me for a slightly off-topic post but I know that the collective
> wisdom of the people on this list can give me a lot of good advice.
> My shack computer is getting a little "long in the tooth" and I am starting to
> research a replacement machine.  My current ham usage for the computer 
> consists
> of logging and some digital work, but future rig control could be something 
> that
> I would be interested in doing.  Recent experience with a new iPad has 
> created a
> very positive impression for me regarding Apple products but I know that "in 
> the
> old days" most ham radio software was designed for Windows only.
> So my question is this - Are there now good choices available for ham radio
> software (logging, digital, rig control) that will run on OSx computers?
> BTW, I know that Linux is a popular operating system for ham radio these days
> but I don't really know anything about it.  I can certainly try to learn,
> however the computer has other uses in the family and so I would need to be 
> able
> to easily switch it back into it's "standard" manufacturers configuration for 
> my
> wife who is even less techie than I am.
> Any and all opinions would be appreciated.
> 73,
> Paul - N8XMS
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